Carajás, Brazil    

MLS survey project on the railway line for Ore transportation in northern Brazil.


Beaufort (Borneo), Malaysia    

MLS rail survey between the stations of Tenom and beaufort along Padas river in Borneo island.


Nacala, Moçambique    

600 km Nacala railway survey  in northern Mozambique  for the Brazilian mining company Vale.

Work performed with our mobile laser scanning system in partnership with the
Mozambique survey company TopoMira.


Casablanca, Marocco    

Levantamento tridimensional de 1,5 km de linha férrea, catenárias e plataformas da estação de Casaport em Casablanca.

Modelação CAD 3D de alta precisão e definição do estado existente para o projecto da nova estação.

Trabalho efectuado para a ONCF em 2010.


  • teste

Lisbon, Portugal    

Project for rail lines unlevelness of Alcantara, REFER. Project for new unlevelness rail interface between the circle line, Cascais line and the Port of Lisbon line.

Our work consisted of three-dimensional survey of almost the entire gully Alcantara from the surface of the Avenida de Ceuta. Combining
laser scanning data at the surface with within the gully.

Project run in 2008 and 2009.
